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Sociological Context of Human-Robot Interaction

Sociological Context of Human-Robot Interaction

This project explores how various facets of the social context around interacting with robots influences human-robot interaction and its practictioners, spanning from re-evaluating technology acceptance models, to unpacking the various kinds of social interactions that occur, to designing evaluation techniques that focus on the holistic interaction context.

Project Publications

Evaluating human-robot interaction: Focusing on the holistic interaction experience

James E. Young, JaYoung Sung, Amy Voida, Ehud Sharlin, Takeo Igarashi, Henrik Christensen, and Rebecca Grinter. Evaluating human-robot interaction: Focusing on the holistic interaction experience. International Journal on Social Robotics, 2011, 3(1). Springer.

Toward Acceptable Domestic Robots: Applying Insights from Social Psychology

James E. Young, Richard Hawkins, Ehud Sharlin, and Takeo Igarashi. Toward Acceptable Domestic Robots: Applying Insights from Social Psychology. Inaugural Issue of the International Journal on Social Robotics 1(1) (Jan 2009). Springer

The Concept of a Robot

James E. Young, Ehud Sharlin, Takeo Igarashi. The Concept of a Robot. In Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Human-Robot Interaction Pioneers Workshop, 2008. Pioneers '08, Amsterdam, Netherlands, March 12-15, 2008


James E.Young

James E.Young


As well as: Ehud Sharlin, Richard Hawkins, JaYoung Sung, Takeo Igarashi, Amy Voida, Henrik I. Christensen, Rebecca E. Grinter