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How are Your Robot Friends Doing? A Design Exploration of Graphical Techniques Supporting Awareness of Robot Team Members in Teleoperation
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While teleoperated robots continue to proliferate in domains including search and rescue, field exploration, or the military, human error remains a primary cause for accidents or mistakes. One challenge is that teleoperating a remote robot is cognitively taxing as the operator needs to understand the robot’s state and monitor all its sensor data. In a multi-robot team, an operator needs to additionally monitor other robots’ progress, states, notifications, errors, and so on to maintain team cohesion. We conducted a design exploration of novel graphical representations of robot team-member state, to support a person controlling one robot to maintain awareness of other robots in the team. Through a series of evaluations, we examined several design parameters (text, icon, facial expression, use of color, animation, and number of team robots), resulting in a set of guidelines for graphically representing team robot states in the remote team teleoperation.
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Seo, S.H., Young, J.E. & Irani, P. How are Your Robot Friends Doing? A Design Exploration of Graphical Techniques Supporting Awareness of Robot Team Members in Teleoperation. Int J of Soc Robotics (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12369-020-00670-9


Stela Hanbyeol Seo
James E.Young
Pourang Irani
ProfessorCanada Research Chair
at University of British Columbia Okanagan Campus