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Stela Hanbyeol Seo

Stela Hanbyeol Seo


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Advisor: James E.Young



Still Not Solved: A Call for Renewed Focus on User-Centered Teleoperation Interfaces

Daniel J. Rea and Stela H. Seo. 2022. Still Not Solved: A Call for Renewed Focus on User-Centered Teleoperation Interfaces. Front. Robot. AI 9, (March 2022). https://doi.org/10.3389/frobt.2022.704225

What happened while I was away?

Stela H. Seo, James E. Young. “What happened while I was away? Leveraging visual transition techniques to convey robot states in multi-robot teleoperation,” International Conference on Social Robotics, November 2021. Springer. Singapore.

Novel Egocentric Robot Teleoperation Interfaces for Search and Rescue (2021)

Stela H. Seo. Novel Egocentric Robot Teleoperation Interfaces for Search and Rescue. Ph.D. Thesis (2021). University of Manitoba, Canada.

Blind Trust: how making a device humanoid reduces the impact of functional errors on trust

Vattheuer, C., Baecker, A.N., Geiskkovitch, D.Y., Seo, S.H., Rea, D.J., Young, J.E.: Blind Trust: how making a device humanoid reduces the impact of functional errors on trust. In: International Conference on Social Robotics. Springer. (2020).

Where Should I Sit? Exploring the Impact of Seating Arrangement in a Human-Robot Collaborative Task

Geiskkovitch, DY, Rea, DJ, Seo, AY, Seo, SH, Postnikoff, B, Young, JE. 2020. Where should I sit? Exploring the Impact of Seating Arrangement in a Human-Robot Collaborative Task. In Proceedings of the 8th ACM International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI’20).

Social Robotics for Non-social Teleoperation

Rea, D.J., Seo, S.H. & Young, J.E. Social Robotics for Nonsocial Teleoperation: Leveraging Social Techniques to Impact Teleoperator Performance and Experience. Curr Robot Rep (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s43154-020-00020-7

How are Your Robot Friends Doing?

Seo, S.H., Young, J.E. & Irani, P. How are Your Robot Friends Doing? A Design Exploration of Graphical Techniques Supporting Awareness of Robot Team Members in Teleoperation. Int J of Soc Robotics (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12369-020-00670-9

Good Robot Design or Machiavellian? An in-the-wild robot leveraging minimal knowledge of passersby’s

Elaheh Sanoubari, Stela H. Seo, Diljot S. Garcha, James E. Young, Verónica Loureiro-Rodríguez. “Good Robot Design or Machiavellian? An in-the-wild robot leveraging minimal knowledge of passersby’s culture”. In Proceedings of alt.HRI track, ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. 2019.

Investigating People’s Rapport Building and Hindering Behaviors

Stela H. Seo, Keelin Griffin, James E. Young, Andrea Bunt, Susan Prentice, Veronica Loureiro-Rodríguez. "Investigating people’s rapport building and hindering behaviors when working with a collaborative robot," International Journal of Social Robotics, 2018. Springer.

Where are the robots? In-feed embedded techniques for visualizing robot team member locations

Stela H. Seo, James E. Young, Pourang Irani. "Where are the robots? In-feed embedded techniques for visualizing robot team member locations," IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, RO-MAN, 2017. Lisbon, Portugal.


Stela H. Seo, Daniel J. Rea, Joel Wiebe, James E. Young. "Monocle: interactive detail-in-context using two pan-and-tilt cameras to improve teleoperation effectiveness," IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, RO-MAN, 2017. Lisbon, Portugal.

Picassnake: Robot Performance Art

Stela H. Seo and James E. Young. 2017. Picassnake: Robot Performance Art. HRI'17 Video & Demo Section, In proceedings of the 12th ACM/IEEE international conference on Human-Robot Interaction, HRI2017, Vienna, Austria. DOI=10.1145/3029798.3036650 http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/3029798.3036650

Movers, Shakers, and Those Who Stand Still

Daniel J. Rea, Stela H. Seo, Neil Bruce, James E. Young. "Movers, Shakers, and Those Who Stand Still: Visual attention-grabbing techniques in robot teleoperation." In Proceedings of Human-Robot Interaction. ACM. 2017.

Please Continue, We Need More Data: An Exploration of Obedience to Robots

Geiskkovitch, D. Y., Seo, S. H., Cormier, D., Young, J. E. (2016). Please continue, we need more data: an exploration of obedience to robots. ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction.

Women and Men Collaborating with Robots on Assembly Lines

Stela H. Seo, Jihyang Gu, Seongmi Jeong, Keelin Griffin, James E. Young, Andrea Bunt, and Susan Prentice. 2015. Women and men collaborating with robots on assembly lines: designing a novel evaluation scenario for collocated human-robot teamwork. In Proceedings of the third international conference on Human-agent interaction (HAI '15). ACM, Daegu, Kyungpook, Republic of Korea. DOI=10.1145/2814940.2814948 http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2814940.2814948

Would you feel sorry for a simulated robot? Study shows people empathize more with the real thing

Stela H. Seo, Denise Geiskkovitch, Masayuki Nakane, Corey King, and James E. Young. Would you feel sorry for a simulated robot? Study shows people empathize more with the real thing. Robohub, March 2015. http://robohub.org/would-you-feel-sorry-for-a-simulated-robot-study-shows-people-empathize-more-with-the-real-thing/

A simulated robot versus a real robot (2015)

Stela H. Seo. A simulated robot versus a real robot: an exploration of how robot embodiment impacts people's empathic responses. M.Sc. Thesis (2015). University of Manitoba, Canada.

Autonomy, Embodiment, and Obedience to Robots

Denise Geiskkovitch, Stela H. Seo, James E. Young. “Autonomy, Embodiment, and Obedience to Robots,” In the adjunct proceedings of the 10th ACM/IEEE international conference on Human-Robot Interaction, HRI’2015, HRI Pioneers Workshop, Portland, Oregon, USA.

Poor Thing! Would You Feel Sorry for a Simulated Robot?

Stela H. Seo, Denise Geiskkovitch, Masayuki Nakane, Corey King, James E. Young. “Poor Thing! Would You Feel Sorry for a Simulated Robot? A comparison of empathy toward a physical and a simulated robot,” In proceedings of the 10th ACM/IEEE international conference on Human-Robot Interaction, HRI’2015, Portland, Oregon, USA.

Alerting Users by Animating Content on a Transforming Tabletop Interface

Stela H. Seo, Kazuki Takashima, Jim Young, Yoshifumi Kitamura, "Alerting Users by Animating Content on a Transforming Tabletop Interface", In Proceedings of the Human Interface Symposium. 2014.

An Interface for Remote Robotic Manipulator Control That Reduces Task Load and Fatigue

Ashish Singh, Stela H. Seo, Yasmeen Hashish, Masayuki Nakane, James E. Young, Andrea Bunt. An Interface for Remote Robotic Manipulator Control That Reduces Task Load and Fatigue. In proceedings of the IEEE international conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, 2013. RO-MAN'2013, to appear.

Exploring the Role of Affect Recognition in Web-Capable Applications

Stela H. Seo, James E. Young, and Andrea Bunt. 2013. Exploring the Role of Affect Recognition in Web-Capable Applications. GI '13 Poster Section Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2013. Regina, Saskatchewan.