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Using a Two-Stage Final Exam in an Intro CS Course: Student Perceptions and Grade Impacts

We present results from testing a two-stage exam format in a small, first-year programming class (n=24), including survey responses from students (n=8) about their experience with the exam format. Students reported liking the format due to a decrease in stress, helping them to better understand course concepts, and helping to improve their grades.


Celine Latulipe and Lauren Himbeault. 2023. Using a Two-Stage Final Exam in an Intro CS Course: Student Perceptions and Grade Impacts. In Western Canadian Conference on Computing Education (WCCCE ’23), May 4–5, 2023, Vancouver, BC, Canada. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2 pages. https://doi.org/ 10.1145/3593342.3593355


Celine Latulipe

Celine Latulipe

Lauren Himbeault

Lauren Himbeault
