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Personalizing Feature-Rich Software
Project Publications
Task-Centric Interfaces for Feature-Rich Software
Ben Lafreniere, Andrea Bunt, and Michael Terry (2014). Task-Centric Interfaces for Feature-Rich Software. In Proceedings of OzCHI, pp. 49 - 58.
AdaptableGIMP: Designing a Socially-Adaptable Interface
Benjamin Lafreniere, Andrea Bunt, Matthew Lount, Filip Krynicki, and Michael A. Terry. 2011. AdaptableGIMP: designing a socially-adaptable interface. In Proceedings of the 24th annual ACM symposium adjunct on User interface software and technology (UIST '11 Adjunct) 89-90, poster.
Characterizing Large-Scale Use of a Direct Manipulation Application in the Wild
Lafreniere, B., Bunt, A., Whissell, J., Clarke, C., and Terry, M. (2010) Characterizing Large-Scale Use of a Direct Manipulation Application in the Wild. Proceedings of Graphics Interface (GI 2010), pp. 11-17.
Mixed-initiative interface personalization as a case study in usable AI
Andrea Bunt, Cristina Conati, and Joanna McGrenere (2009) Mixed-initiative interface personalization as a case study in usable AI. In Artificial Intelligence, Special Issue on Usable AI, 30(4), 58-64
Supporting Interface Customization Using a Mixed-Initiative Approach
Andrea Bunt, Cristina Conati, and Joanna McGrenere. 2007. Supporting interface customization using a mixed-initiative approach. In Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Intelligent user interfaces (IUI '07), 92-101. Best Paper Award.
What Role Can Adaptive Support Play in an Adaptable System?
Andrea Bunt, Cristina Conati, and Joanna McGrenere. 2004. What role can adaptive support play in an adaptable system?. In Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Intelligent user interfaces (IUI '04), 117-124.
As well as: Cristina Conati , Joanna McGrenere , Ben Lafreniere and Michael Terry