History of Operating Systems

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COMP1260 > System Software


It's difficult to imagine using a computer without an operating system today. In fact, operating systems are everywhere: your laptop, Xbox 360, BlackBerry, iPod, LCD TV, and your local ATM all run some type of operating system. With such a reliance on operating systems, you may find it surprising to learn computers haven't always run operating systems. How is that even possible? Where did today's operating systems come from? Where will operating systems be ten years from now?


...by students

Command Line in 2008?!
Like most computers users, I have always had the benefit of using a GUI operating system. But what happens if the GUI operating system fails to load? You end up learning a little command line. This has happened a few times for me, either while installing an operating system or a disk error. Lucky, learning most commands is usually one little Google away. Especially since most errors and commands are well documented. Although it seems odd to acquire a skill that was to be obsolete thirty years ago, the power and lack of required resources make command lines extremely useful at times. ...and other times you just don't get an option. :(

like writing your 15000-word history essay in pen, without Wite-Out.... and on sticky notes. Many routines -- storing a number read from the input tape or displaying results on a monitor for example -- were preformed very often. This led to the creation of "libraries" -- collections of common tasks used to simplify programs. These libraries are really the underlying concept of operating systems.

The Early Years (1956-1977)

The GM-NAA I/O System, designed in 1956, is considered the first usable operating system.[1] Nearly all early operating systems were built for specifically for the computer it would run on, offering a unique variety of operations and their respective commands. As operating systems progressed, new features were developed; features considered to be rudimentary by today's standards. Such features included the ability to multi-task and execute more advanced programming languages.


In 1969, UNIX, a multi-tasking, multi-user operating system, was developed. UNIX has since become a very popular and powerful operating system, influencing many "UNIX-like" operating systems, including Linux. UNIX and its many derivations are still in use today especially in servers and large computer networks.

Increasing Consumer-Focus (1977-1995)

Operating systems were already well-established as personal computers gained popularity in the 1980s. Hence, very few computer users have ever used a computer without an operating system. However, because early computers, and consequently operating systems, were used primarily by professionals, away from the public, there was a steep learning curve before a consumer could actually use their new personal computer. Operating systems still expected users to program commands to perform a task; a daunting mission for a mother of three who simply wants to type up her grocery list.

Apple II

Apple II, released in 1977 and one of the most successful early personal computers[2] used a very basic operating system which simply interpreted BASIC, a type of programming language. Its success hailed from the vast amount of third-party software users could purchase. This allowed for a much more acceptable user experience, despite the lack of a consumer-simplified operating system.

MS DOS 2.11


New operating systems such as a MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System) made this slightly easier by allowing a user to type commands and run existing programs. However, MS-DOS still lacked a graphical user interface and required users to learn the correct commands

Original Mac OS

Mac OS

Debuting in 1983, the Mac OS was not the first GUI (Graphical User Interface)-based operating system. However, it was one of the earliest designed for common consumers. Its elements have a strong resemblance to nearly all of today's operating systems, featuring movable windows, desktop, icons, and multi-tasking, all controllable by a mouse - a significant upgrade from the command line.


Shortly after the release of the Mac OS, Microsoft released Windows 1.0. This brought the same new GUI features seen in Mac OS. However, it wasn't until the release of Windows 3.0 in 1990 that Windows' popularity and success took off.

Today's Operating Systems (1995-2008)


Released in 1995, Windows 95 cemented a substantial share in the operating systems market for Microsoft and introduced many new users to a life dependent on personal computing. Windows 95 introduced the 'Start' button and task bar that every Windows-user has become extremely familiar with. Microsoft has since released a lengthy list of Windows operating systems while maintaining a very strong market share. Although Windows Vista, the most recent release of Windows, has experienced pressure from Apple's recent "Switch" campaign ads, negative media reviews, and consumer disappointment (of which the latter two are often overstated or perceived problems[3][4]), Microsoft still dominates the market share, controlling almost 90% of the market.[5]


Apple's success dwindled during the 1990s, giving Microsoft the headway needed to emerge as the dominant operating system. In 2001, Apple released Mac OS X, a new line of products, and a strong campaign to convince users to make the switch from Windows to Mac, Apple has since slowly increased market share over these past few years, currently sitting around at around 8% of the market.[6][7]

Open SUSE: A free Linux Distribution


The least known significant consumer operating system began as a project in 1991. Linux is a free operating based on UNIX and is popular among computer enthusiasts and hobbyists. Linux offers the source code (the programing code used to make the operating system) is available to edited and re-leased for free. This ability to be completely modified has led to many new distributions (versions or "flavors" of Linux) and constant updates. Different distributions have been developed for personal computers, home entertainment consoles (such as personal video recorders), video game consoles, web servers, cellphones, and many of home electronic platforms. A few notable distributions include Ubuntu, Fedora, OpenSUSE and Debian, although hundreds exist.[8]

Looking into the Future (2008- )

The backbone of operating system has been well-established over the past half-century. Thus today's operating systems focus primarily on improving the user interface, addressing increasing security concerns, and the overall user experience. One example is "widgets" or "gadgets" (mini utilities and programs which are often placed on the desktop or a sidebar) which is now available in new releases of both Windows and OSX. Beyond small improvements such as this, most new operating system releases are simply a refresh of previous editions with a couple new features. Both Microsoft and Apple have announced new versions of their operating systems (Microsoft 7 and OSX 10.6 [Snow Leopard]) while Linux will likely continue spitting out new distributions and updates at what seems to be a monthly basis.

On a Larger Scale

We can't forget that operating systems aren't limited to desktop and notebook computers. The substantial growth of gaming consoles and cellphones in the consumer market require new, fast, high performance operating systems as well. However, most advancements in these operating system are also driven by user interface improvements and security issues. Although new technologies may change this.

New Technologies

New technology developments could introduce new operating systems concepts. "Touch" platforms have recently entered the mainstream consumer market with tablet notebooks and Apple's iPhone. These products require operating systems to adjust to this new form of computing. Media centres -- though often just a new interface on top of a familiar operating system -- could bring forth new ideas in implementations. Conceptual ideas -- including Microsoft's Surface[9] -- offer some very exciting possibilities. Furthermore, our demand for faster, smaller computers has exposed some obstacles and limitations with current computer hardware designs. New computers may require a complete re-thinking of operating systems in the future.

32-bit vs 64-bit

Currently the computer industry is in a transition from 32-bit processors to 64-bit processors. A "bit" refers to the amount of information that can be sent with each instruction. Increasing the number of bits a processor can handle increases size of instructions and the size of memory. Operating systems must be updated to incorporate this change. Windows XP released a 64-bit version in 2004 while Mac OS X Leopard which handles 64-bit, was released in 2007. Both Windows 7 and Mac OS X 10.6 will offer 64-bit support.


Operating systems are crucial in our everyday lives. The long history may not be as exciting from hindsight, many new designs were extraordinary changes during their original release. These changes have given us the powerful, simple, and artistic experience over the days of green text on a black screen. The future offers almost limitless possibilities for technology. Operating systems will likely be tagging along for a long time.

Further Readings

History of Operating Systems on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_operating_systems
Computer History Timeline: http://www.computerhistory.org/timeline/?category=sl
Operating System Timeline: http://trillian.randomstuff.org.uk/~stephen/history/timeline-OS.html
Detailed Timeline of Non-UNIX Operating Systems: http://www.oshistory.net/metadot/index.pl?id=2165;isa=Category;op=show
Screenshots of Major Operating Systems: http://www.guidebookgallery.org/guis


  1. http://www.computerhistory.org/timeline/?year=1956
  2. http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,925280-2,00.html
  3. http://itmanagement.earthweb.com/columns/article.php/3763816
  4. http://myspeculations.wordpress.com/2008/03/09/im-sick-of-vista-complaints/
  5. http://www.cbc.ca/technology/story/2008/12/02/tech-windows.html?ref=rss
  6. http://www.systemshootouts.org/mac_sales.html
  7. http://apple20.blogs.fortune.cnn.com/2008/10/01/mac-market-share-hits-record/
  8. http://www.linux.org/dist/list.html
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rP5y7yp06n0

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