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Printing an array is a very common task in programming, there are
many situations which require such output. It is also very useful
for testing, to check that the elements in an array are what they
are supposed to be.

Revision as of 12:22, 6 April 2010

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Write a method which will take an array of ints as a parameter. The method should print the elements of the array, separated by a comma.

int[] n = {45,32,78,45,890,45,32};


...by students

Printing an array is a very common task in programming, there are many situations which require such output. It is also very useful for testing, to check that the elements in an array are what they are supposed to be.


To solve this problem you need to use a for loop. Loop from 0 through all elements of the input array. At each iteration, print out the current array element and a comma.


Solution Code

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