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For each element in the array, use an if statement to compare each element with the given key value x. In order to compare each element with x, use the '==' operator. If the current element is equal to the key value, that means you have found the element in the array, so you can set your boolean variable exists to true.  
Use an if statement to compare each element with the given key value x. In order to compare each element with x, use the '==' operator. If the current element is equal to the key value, that means you have found the element in the array, so you can set your boolean variable exists to true.  
if(array[i] == x) {
if(array[i] == x) {

Revision as of 14:43, 7 April 2010

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Create a method that accepts an array of integers and a key integer value x to determine whether or not the key value exists in the given array. The method should return true if the key value was found in the array, otherwise the method should return false.


Array Algorithms

Wiki array03.jpg


Start with creating the skeleton of your method with the proper return type and accepted parameter values (an array of ints and an int key value).

public static boolean elementExists(int[] array, int x) {


You'll want to keep a boolean variable to keep track of whether or not you have found the key value x. At the beginning of your method, initialize this boolean variable to false since you have not yet found the key value.

boolean exists = false;

return exists;

Use a for loop to go through each element in the array to check if it is the value you're looking for.

for(i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {


Use an if statement to compare each element with the given key value x. In order to compare each element with x, use the '==' operator. If the current element is equal to the key value, that means you have found the element in the array, so you can set your boolean variable exists to true.

if(array[i] == x) {
    exists = true;

After the for loop, return your boolean exists variable.

return exists;

Putting everything together, here's what the entire method should look like:

public static boolean elementExists(int[] array, int x) {
    int i; // loop iterator
    boolean exists = false;

    for(i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
        if(array[i] == x) {
            exists = true;

    return exists;


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