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|ProblemName=Find out your bicycle's speed
|ProblemName=Find out your bicycle's speed
|Problem=You are an employer on the software team of Bikers Forever, a bicycle company. The software team uses Java and the knowledge of the Java SDK to write programs for Biker Forever. You are a great COMP 1010 student so you already have an idea of writing in Java, so in breathless anticipation, you await your next assignment from the head of the software team :)  
You are an employee on the software team of Bikers Forever, a bicycle company. The software team uses Java and the  
knowledge of the Java SDK to write programs for Bikers Forever. You are a great COMP 1010 student so you already know a
bit about writing in Java, so in breathless anticipation, you await your next assignment from the head of the software team :)  
You arrive at your desk on Monday morning and open your email in-box (as usual) to see this message from the head:
You arrive at your desk on Monday morning and open your email in-box (as usual) to see this  
message from the head of the software team:
Line 13: Line 19:
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
  I need you to write a program that allows customers who visit the Bicycle Forever to calculate the speed of their bicycles. One of the members of the team stumbled on the formula to calculate cycling speed, and knowing you are just itching for an assignment, I thought of you straightaway to implement the formula. The program description and the formula is below:
  I need you to write a program that will allow customers who visit the Bicycle Forever to  
calculate the speed of their bicycles. One of the members of the team stumbled on the formula to  
calculate cycling speed, and knowing that you are just itching for an assignment, I thought of you  
straightaway to implement the formula. The program description and the formula is below:
Line 26: Line 35:
<li>The RPM (rotations per minute) of the bicycle
<li>The RPM (rotations per minute) of the bicycle
<li>The number of teeth in the rear gear
<li>The number of teeth in the rear gear of the bicycle
<li>The program will also store as constants the number of teeth in the front gear and the diameter of the bicycle wheel. Assume the number of front teeth to be 45 and the diameter to be 70cm always.
<li>The program will also store as constants the number of teeth in the front gear and the diameter  
of the bicycle wheel. Assume the number of front teeth to be 45 and the diameter to be 70cm every-time.
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<br />
<br />
<li>Before you calculate the speed, you must first calculate the <b>meters of development</b>. This is the length in meters covered by each rotation of the wheel of the bicycle. Meters of development (mdev, as we'll call them) are calculated this way:
<li>Before you calculate the speed, you must first calculate the <b>meters of development</b>.  
This is the length in meters covered by each rotation of the wheel of the bicycle.  
Meters of development (mdev, as we'll call them) are calculated this way:
mdev = circumference[m] * (number front teeth / number rear teeth)
mdev = circumference[m] * (number front teeth / number rear teeth)  
Line 47: Line 59:
speed = mdev * rpm * 60/1000
speed = mdev * rpm * 60/1000 //Note that 60/1000 helps to calculate the speed in kilometers per hour
Line 56: Line 68:
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
To display your results, assuming a customer inputs 75 for RPM and 20 for rear teeth, the output will be displayed this way:
To display your results, assuming a customer inputs 75 for RPM and 20 for  
rear teeth, the output will be displayed this way:
Line 73: Line 86:
[[Image:Bicyclist.jpg|200px|alt=Eddie Root, famous Australian rugby player riding a bicycle|]]
To program our solution, we will go through 4 steps:
To program our solution, we will go through 4 steps:
<li>Identify and declare all variables and constants
<li>Identify and declare all variables and constants necessary to implement the solution
<li>Store user input on bicycle information
<li>Store user input on bicycle information
<li>Perform the calculations
<li>Perform the calculations for the meters of development and then the speed of the bicycle
<li>Output the results
<li>Output the results
In addition, we will be sure to comment through out our code, and follow correct programming standards as stated in [http://courses.cs.umanitoba.ca/Documents/104913/1010standards.pdf]
In addition, we will be sure to comment through out our code, and follow correct programming standards as stated in [http://courses.cs.umanitoba.ca/Documents/104913/1010standards.pdf]
==Identify and Declare all Variables and Constants==
Based on The Boss's email to you, and the description of the program and formula, we can
easily identify all the variables and constants important to the solution. <br /> <b>NOTE:</b> some
of these variables are dependent on the others.
==Identify and declare all variables and constants==
<br />
First, organized code is vital to the readability of the code. The [http://courses.cs.umanitoba.ca/index.asp?sec=3394&too=30&eve=1&ppa=5178 COMP 1010 Coding Standards] give the foundation required to complete the code organization task for this [[Case_Study_I|case study]]. Each of the headings below describe a specific task that helps organize the code.
<li>The number of front wheel teeth - assumed to be 45 every-time</li>
<li>The diameter of the wheel - assumed to be 70cm every-time</li>
====Declaration of Constants====
When declaring constants, we use the keyword <b>final</b>. This ensures that whether it is
an int, double, string or any other data type, it cannot be overwritten.  
<br/><br />
As the number of front wheel teeth is a number, we will declare it using "final int"
==Store user input on bicycle information==
The code file contains more than one [[Your First Java Program#Statements|statements]] on each line.
int digit1 = (isbn % 10);int total = digit1 * 9;isbn = isbn / 10;
final int FRONT_TEETH = 45;
int digit2 = (isbn % 10);total = total + digit2 * 8;isbn = isbn / 10;
Each of the above lines of code performs a similar function. Each line can be interpretted as a block of code. By placing each [[Your First Java Program#Statements|statements]] on a separate line and grouping the statements into appropriate code blocks, the result should look something like the following:
We also know the constant for the diameter is 70cm every-time. However, the diameter is
not used in the calculations. Rather, the circumference is used to calculate the meters of development.
<br />So what should we do???
<br />
It's simple! Going back to your high school days you know that the <b>Circumference of a circle (wheel) = 3.14 (pi) * the diameter</b>.  
<li>Pi in Java has been provided for us through <b>Math.PI</b> </li>
<li> We also want to make sure we divide by 100.0 because our diameter is in centimeters
right now as opposed to the meters we need to calculate the meters of development (if you remember!)</li>
<li>And finally, our constant will be a "final int double" to represent the circumference. We declare and calculate the circumference right away since we already know the diameter and we use a double to accommodate the decimal spaces</li>
Therefore our declaration becomes:
int digit1 = (isbn % 10);
final double WHEEL_CIRCUMFERENCE = (70 * Math.PI)/100.0;
int total = digit1 * 9;
isbn = isbn / 10;
int digit2 = (isbn % 10);
total = total + digit2 * 8;
isbn = isbn / 10;
By placing each of the [[Your First Java Program#Statements|statements]] on a separate line, the readability of the code increases dramatically.
==Perform the calculations==
Now that we have our constants, let go ahead to declare the rest of the variables we
Once the [[Your First Java Program#Statements|statements]] are readable, the next step would be to organize them into code blocks as stated in [http://courses.cs.umanitoba.ca/index.asp?sec=3394&too=30&eve=1&ppa=5178 COMP 1010 Coding Standards]. Continuing with our previous example, the functionality of the code can be broken into two distinct code blocks.
will need based on the formula. We will also include a string variable to store our user's input.
int digit1 = (isbn % 10);
int rpm;
int total = digit1 * 9;
int rearTeeth;
isbn = isbn / 10;
double mdev; //a double because it will contain decimal spaces because of the circumference
double speed;
String input;
==Store user Input on Bicycle Information==
In order to retrieve user input, we will be using the class JOptionPane. We are able to call this
class and its methods when we type in "import javax.swing.*;" at the top of our program.
Future computer science courses will explain what the <b>import</b> statement does.
<br />How JOptionPane works:
JOptionPane has an InputDialog method which shows a dialog box and accepts input typed into that box.
This input can then be stored in strings. What we will do in this case, is store the user input
into strings and parse (convert) them to integers using Integer.parseInt.
<br />How Integer.parseInt works:
Integer.parseInt accepts a string and converts it to an int. The string however must
contain numbers only or bad things happen :)
<br />
Below is our Java code showing the storage of input and conversion to actual integers.
input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog ("Enter rpms.");
rpm = Integer.parseInt(input);
int digit2 = (isbn % 10);
input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog ("Enter number of teeth on rear gear.");
total = total + digit2 * 8;
rearTeeth = Integer.parseInt(input);
isbn = isbn / 10;
Almost each line of code in the messy code file can be considered a separate code block. Take the time to read the code and understand how everything works together before deciding which [[Your First Java Program#Statements|statements]] should be grouped together.
One of the code blocks that should be added is a variable declaration code block at the beginning of [[Your First Java Program#The Main Method|the main method]]. Throughout the [[Case Study I#Code|messy code]], integers are declared. All of the [[Variables and Literals#Variables|declaration statements]] should be placed at the beginning of [[Your First Java Program#The Main Method|the main method]] to ensure the code stays organized. Going to the previous example, two [[Variables and Literals#Variables|declaration statements]] can be moved to the top as depicted below.
Now we have all the user input we need to perform the calculations.
==Perform the Calculations==
We have the directions from The Boss, and we have all the variables and user input we require. Now we calculate!
<br />
Following instructions we calculate the meters of development first. As per the email:
mdev = circumference[m] * (number front teeth / number rear teeth).
Translating this into Java code:
int digit1;
mdev = WHEEL_CIRCUM * (FRONT_TEETH / (double)  rearTeeth); //Remember to cast variable
int digit2;
//rearTeeth as a double or you will get an int value for your result. That would be wrong! doubles/doubles = doubles :)
digit1 = (isbn % 10);
Next we calculate the speed:
int total = digit1 * 9;
isbn = isbn / 10;
digit2 = (isbn % 10);
speed = mdev * rpm * 60/1000
total = total + digit2 * 8;
isbn = isbn / 10;
Translating this into Java code:
speed = mdev * rpm; //speed in meters per minute
speed = speed * (60.0 / 1000); //speed in km per hour
==Output the results==
I took the liberty of breaking the speed calculation into meters per minute and multiplying
At the top of [[Your First Java Program#The Main Method|the main method]], there should now be a number of [[Variables and Literals#Variables|variables]]
it by 60.0/1000 in order to provide the result in kilometers per hour (the normal speed scale).
declared. Notice that there are nine different "digit" [[Variables and Literals#Variables|variables]] which are only used once to store the same calculation.  
==Output the Results==
The outputs should closely resemble something like this:
int digit1;
You have entered 75 RPM and 20 rear teeth.
int digit2;
Meters of development: 4.948008429403924
Speed [km/hour]: 22.266037932317655
digit1 = (isbn % 10);
Programmed by Bicycle Forever
int total = digit1 * 9;
Date: September 18, 2008
isbn = isbn / 10;
*** End of Processing ***
digit2 = (isbn % 10);
Let us do a breakdown of the output, line by line.
total = total + digit2 * 8;
isbn = isbn / 10;
Line 1: "You have entered 75 RPM and 200 rear teeth"
This result can be printed immediately after you have read user input and converted the input to integers.
Printing out the input will also help to confirm that it was stored correctly. In this case:
System.out.println ("You have entered " + rpm + " rpms and " + rearTeeth + " rear teeth");
The code sample from above shows two of the nine digit [[Variables and Literals#Variables|variables]]. These two [[Variables and Literals#Variables|variables]] can be replaced with a single one as follows:
Line 2: "Meters of development: 4.948008429403924"
This can be printed immediately after the calculation of the meters of development.
int digit;
System.out.println("Meters of development: " + mdev);
digit = (isbn % 10);
Line 3: "Speed [km/hour]: 22.266037932317655"
int total = digit * 9;
The speed also, can be printed out after its calculation has been done.
isbn = isbn / 10;
digit = (isbn % 10);
total = total + digit * 8;
System.out.println("Speed [km/hour]: " + speed);
isbn = isbn / 10;
To complete the process we can write code to print out the rest of the output.
System.out.println("\nProgrammed by Bicycle Forever");
System.out.println("Date: ");
System.out.println ("*** End of Processing ***");
You will notice that the output for the date above is empty. You can hardcode the
date in i.e. type it right into the program as part of the output, or use the Calendar class to show the
current date every-time the program is run. I have included the process for showing the current date in the bonus
section below.
==Bonus Section: Outputting the Current Date==
==Bonus Section: Outputting the Current Date==
The [[Case Study I#Code|messy code]] contained a total of eight different coding errors. Each error presented in this section is ordered as it appears in the [[Case Study I#Code|code]] from the [[Case Study I|case study]].
Just like we used the <b>import</b> statement in the [[#Store user input on bicycle information|Storing User Input]]  
section, we will also be using this statement to access the Calendar class in order to get the current date.
You can tell what import statement to use by going through the Java API
documentation: [http://download.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/api/]. The documentation also explains what
classes are available and the methods attached to them.
For the purpose of this solution, we will be including import statements that will:
<li>Give us access to the Calendar class and a method that provides the current time
<li>Give us access to a SimpleDateFormat class and a method that helps format the current time
==Commenting and Testing==
int isbn = Temp;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
There are two problems with the above code sample. The first problem being that the [[Variables and Literals#Variables|variable]] "Temp" is of type [[Strings|string]] and not of the primitive type [[Common Primitive Variables#Primitive Type int|int]]. The second problem is the name of the [[Variables and Literals#Variables|variable]] "Temp". The [[Variables and Literals#Variables|variable]] was originally declared as "temp" and Java is a [[Your First Java Program#Case Sensitivity|case sensitive]] language. Both programs are repaired by replacing the code with the line below.
Now that we have included the import statments, we can call the Calendar class and  
its method getInstance() to give us a working calendar, and then call the SimpleDateFormat class that
we shall provide with a format for outputting the current time:
isbn = Integer.parseInt(temp);
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
Now that we have a working calendar, we will add the output gotten from formatting the current
time of the Calendar (using the SimpleDateFormat class) into our solution output. This is the
line that provides the output:
System.out.println("Date: " + dateFormat.format(calendar.getTime()));
==Commenting and Testing==
Although we have our calculations done and our output printed, we aren't done yet! For the sake
of others, who will read your code, commenting must be done. Using the "//" characters, comment
major lines to show what you are doing. This improves readability and tells The Boss that you are a professional.
In addition, you want to test your code, right after every calculation to be sure you
do not provide a wrong bicycle speed. A program that outputs the wrong speed of a bicycle can make
bad things happen! Therefore, check to be sure
<li>Input is entered and converted correctly</li>
<li>Calculations are done correctly</li>
<li>Results are output correctly</li>
I have included comments and tests using System.out.println() in the sample source code for your benefit.
Congratulations!  You have now finished your Cycling Speed program.  You can now compile and run your program.  You can also click the Solution button below to see a full solution.
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|SideSectionTitle=Cycling Speed
|SideSectionTitle=Cycling Speed

Latest revision as of 10:43, 7 April 2011

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You are an employee on the software team of Bikers Forever, a bicycle company. The software team uses Java and the knowledge of the Java SDK to write programs for Bikers Forever. You are a great COMP 1010 student so you already know a bit about writing in Java, so in breathless anticipation, you await your next assignment from the head of the software team :)

You arrive at your desk on Monday morning and open your email in-box (as usual) to see this message from the head of the software team:

Hi <insert name here>,

I need you to write a program that will allow customers who visit the Bicycle Forever to calculate the speed of their bicycles. One of the members of the team stumbled on the formula to calculate cycling speed, and knowing that you are just itching for an assignment, I thought of you straightaway to implement the formula. The program description and the formula is below:

Program Description

  1. The program will prompt the user to input
    • The RPM (rotations per minute) of the bicycle
    • The number of teeth in the rear gear of the bicycle
  2. The program will also store as constants the number of teeth in the front gear and the diameter of the bicycle wheel. Assume the number of front teeth to be 45 and the diameter to be 70cm every-time.


  1. Before you calculate the speed, you must first calculate the meters of development. This is the length in meters covered by each rotation of the wheel of the bicycle. Meters of development (mdev, as we'll call them) are calculated this way:
    mdev = circumference[m] * (number front teeth / number rear teeth) 
  2. Finally, now that we have the mdev we can calculate the speed:
    speed = mdev * rpm * 60/1000 //Note that 60/1000 helps to calculate the speed in kilometers per hour


To display your results, assuming a customer inputs 75 for RPM and 20 for rear teeth, the output will be displayed this way:

You have entered 75 RPM and 20 rear teeth.
Meters of development: 4.948008429403924
Speed [km/hour]: 22.266037932317655

Programmed by Bicycle Forever
Date: September 18, 2008
*** End of Processing ***

Thanks!, <insert name here>, I am confident you will do a great job.
The Boss


Cycling Speed

CyclingHelmet casestudy.jpg


Eddie Root, famous Australian rugby player riding a bicycle

To program our solution, we will go through 4 steps:

  1. Identify and declare all variables and constants necessary to implement the solution
  2. Store user input on bicycle information
  3. Perform the calculations for the meters of development and then the speed of the bicycle
  4. Output the results

In addition, we will be sure to comment through out our code, and follow correct programming standards as stated in [1]

Identify and Declare all Variables and Constants

Based on The Boss's email to you, and the description of the program and formula, we can easily identify all the variables and constants important to the solution.
NOTE: some of these variables are dependent on the others.


  • The number of front wheel teeth - assumed to be 45 every-time
  • The diameter of the wheel - assumed to be 70cm every-time

Declaration of Constants

When declaring constants, we use the keyword final. This ensures that whether it is an int, double, string or any other data type, it cannot be overwritten.

As the number of front wheel teeth is a number, we will declare it using "final int"

final int FRONT_TEETH = 45;

We also know the constant for the diameter is 70cm every-time. However, the diameter is not used in the calculations. Rather, the circumference is used to calculate the meters of development.

So what should we do???

It's simple! Going back to your high school days you know that the Circumference of a circle (wheel) = 3.14 (pi) * the diameter.

  • Pi in Java has been provided for us through Math.PI
  • We also want to make sure we divide by 100.0 because our diameter is in centimeters right now as opposed to the meters we need to calculate the meters of development (if you remember!)
  • And finally, our constant will be a "final int double" to represent the circumference. We declare and calculate the circumference right away since we already know the diameter and we use a double to accommodate the decimal spaces

Therefore our declaration becomes:

final double WHEEL_CIRCUMFERENCE = (70 * Math.PI)/100.0;

Now that we have our constants, let go ahead to declare the rest of the variables we will need based on the formula. We will also include a string variable to store our user's input.

int rpm;
int rearTeeth;
double mdev; //a double because it will contain decimal spaces because of the circumference
double speed;
String input;

Store user Input on Bicycle Information

In order to retrieve user input, we will be using the class JOptionPane. We are able to call this class and its methods when we type in "import javax.swing.*;" at the top of our program. Future computer science courses will explain what the import statement does.

How JOptionPane works: JOptionPane has an InputDialog method which shows a dialog box and accepts input typed into that box. This input can then be stored in strings. What we will do in this case, is store the user input into strings and parse (convert) them to integers using Integer.parseInt.

How Integer.parseInt works: Integer.parseInt accepts a string and converts it to an int. The string however must contain numbers only or bad things happen :)

Below is our Java code showing the storage of input and conversion to actual integers.

input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog ("Enter rpms.");
rpm = Integer.parseInt(input);

input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog ("Enter number of teeth on rear gear.");
rearTeeth = Integer.parseInt(input);

Now we have all the user input we need to perform the calculations.

Perform the Calculations

We have the directions from The Boss, and we have all the variables and user input we require. Now we calculate!

Following instructions we calculate the meters of development first. As per the email:

mdev = circumference[m] * (number front teeth / number rear teeth).

Translating this into Java code:

mdev = WHEEL_CIRCUM * (FRONT_TEETH / (double)  rearTeeth); //Remember to cast variable 
//rearTeeth as a double or you will get an int value for your result. That would be wrong! doubles/doubles = doubles :)

Next we calculate the speed:

speed = mdev * rpm * 60/1000

Translating this into Java code:

speed = mdev * rpm; 				//speed in meters per minute
speed = speed * (60.0 / 1000); 			//speed in km per hour

I took the liberty of breaking the speed calculation into meters per minute and multiplying it by 60.0/1000 in order to provide the result in kilometers per hour (the normal speed scale).

Output the Results

The outputs should closely resemble something like this:

You have entered 75 RPM and 20 rear teeth.
Meters of development: 4.948008429403924
Speed [km/hour]: 22.266037932317655

Programmed by Bicycle Forever
Date: September 18, 2008
*** End of Processing ***

Let us do a breakdown of the output, line by line.

Line 1: "You have entered 75 RPM and 200 rear teeth" This result can be printed immediately after you have read user input and converted the input to integers. Printing out the input will also help to confirm that it was stored correctly. In this case:

System.out.println ("You have entered " + rpm + " rpms and " + rearTeeth + " rear teeth");

Line 2: "Meters of development: 4.948008429403924" This can be printed immediately after the calculation of the meters of development.

System.out.println("Meters of development: " + mdev);

Line 3: "Speed [km/hour]: 22.266037932317655" The speed also, can be printed out after its calculation has been done.

System.out.println("Speed [km/hour]: " + speed);

To complete the process we can write code to print out the rest of the output.

System.out.println("\nProgrammed by Bicycle Forever");
System.out.println("Date: ");
System.out.println ("*** End of Processing ***");

You will notice that the output for the date above is empty. You can hardcode the date in i.e. type it right into the program as part of the output, or use the Calendar class to show the current date every-time the program is run. I have included the process for showing the current date in the bonus section below.

Bonus Section: Outputting the Current Date

Just like we used the import statement in the Storing User Input section, we will also be using this statement to access the Calendar class in order to get the current date.

You can tell what import statement to use by going through the Java API documentation: [2]. The documentation also explains what classes are available and the methods attached to them.

For the purpose of this solution, we will be including import statements that will:

  • Give us access to the Calendar class and a method that provides the current time
  • Give us access to a SimpleDateFormat class and a method that helps format the current time
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;

Now that we have included the import statments, we can call the Calendar class and its method getInstance() to give us a working calendar, and then call the SimpleDateFormat class that we shall provide with a format for outputting the current time:

Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");

Now that we have a working calendar, we will add the output gotten from formatting the current time of the Calendar (using the SimpleDateFormat class) into our solution output. This is the line that provides the output:

System.out.println("Date: " + dateFormat.format(calendar.getTime()));

Commenting and Testing

Although we have our calculations done and our output printed, we aren't done yet! For the sake of others, who will read your code, commenting must be done. Using the "//" characters, comment major lines to show what you are doing. This improves readability and tells The Boss that you are a professional.

In addition, you want to test your code, right after every calculation to be sure you do not provide a wrong bicycle speed. A program that outputs the wrong speed of a bicycle can make bad things happen! Therefore, check to be sure

  • Input is entered and converted correctly
  • Calculations are done correctly
  • Results are output correctly

I have included comments and tests using System.out.println() in the sample source code for your benefit.


Congratulations! You have now finished your Cycling Speed program. You can now compile and run your program. You can also click the Solution button below to see a full solution.


Solution Code

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