Difference between revisions of "Program a day"

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(Week 11: Arrays of Strings)
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===[[Print Array]]===
===[[Print Array]]===
===[[Return Array]]===
===[[Add Area Code]]===
===[[Fix Code Sample]]===
===[[Fix Code Sample]]===

Revision as of 12:34, 1 April 2010

Wiki 1010 Table of Contents

Chapter #

Practice your programming and problem-solving skills. Write a program for each (week) day you are in COMP 1010.

  Write a Program a Day Case Studies

Table of Contents

Week 1: Getting Started

Hello World

Mad Lib

Week 2: Primitive Data Types

Grading Problem

Calculate Area

Week 3: If/Nested If Statements and Named Constants

Dimensions of a Can of Soup

Letter Grade Conversion

Week 4: While Loops - Do While Loops - For loops

Print Out the Alphabet

Guess my Number

Input Validation

Convert this While to a For

Print Prime Numbers

Week 5

Vowel Counter

Leap Year Problem

Secret Code

Week 6: Problem Solving with Nested Loops

Rainfall Averager

Adding Two Matrices

Computing Prime Numbers

Print a Calendar

Week 7: Midterm Review

Week 1

Temperature Calculator

Week 3

Fibonacci sequence

Week 5

Week 6

Week 8: Static Methods

Print Array

Add Area Code

Fix Code Sample

Week 9: Introducing Arrays

Creating an Array

Printing an Array

Fibonacci Numbers

Passing Arrays

Multi-dimensional Arrays

Equating Two Arrays

Week 10: Arrays and Methods

printArray Method

fillArray Method

reverseArray Method

Week 11: More with Arrays

Adding arrays

Concatenating arrays

Something with parallel arrays

Creating a grocery list

Make a String from an array of words

Week 12: Array Algorithms

Find Element x Using Linear Search

Find Max Using Linear Search

Week 13: Problem Solving and Programming Examples

Break This Combination

ASCII Art Examples

Rock Paper Scissors

Finding Min/Max in an array

String Manipulation