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#When prompted, click the 'Empty' button.
#When prompted, click the 'Empty' button.
===Safari is acting really weird!===
If Safari is acting up, and clearing the cache and cookies does not fix the issue, it usually indicates the program isn't working correctly. To fix this, you  must re-install Safari. Re-installing Safari is relatively simple (It involves uninstalling it, and then downloading the newest version from [[http://www.apple.com/safari/download/ Apple's Website]].). If this still does not fix your issue, the problem would be either with your hard drive, or operating system. Fixing an issue like that is beyond the scope of this article.

Revision as of 11:41, 3 December 2009

COMP1260 > Using the Internet


Safari is an internet browser originally created for the Mac OS X (v10.3 Panther) operating system. Safari 3.0 was created to run on all major operating systems in 2007. The current iteration of Safari is Safari 4.0.4.


...by students

One time I used Safari. I didn't like it as much as Google Chrome.

blah blah



Who uses Safari?

Typically people who use Apple computers use Safari. You can also use Safari on Windows computers.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Table of keyboard Shortcuts. Mac and PC.

PC Mac Result
Ctrl+T Command+T Opens a new tab in the same browser window.
Ctrl+B Command+B Bookmarks the current page
Ctrl+(Any Number) Command+(Any Number) Opens the bookmark located at the number you

pressed on the bookmark bar (Under the address bar)

Ctrl+Scroll up Command+Scroll up Zooms in the webpage.
Ctrl+Scroll down Command+Scroll down Zooms out the webpage.

Troubleshooting Safari

Safari won't open this webpage:

If you are sure you are connected to the internet, follow these steps to clear the cache[1].

  1. Click 'Safari' in the menu bar
  2. Select 'Empty Cache'
  3. When prompted, click the 'Empty' button.

Safari is acting really weird!

If Safari is acting up, and clearing the cache and cookies does not fix the issue, it usually indicates the program isn't working correctly. To fix this, you must re-install Safari. Re-installing Safari is relatively simple (It involves uninstalling it, and then downloading the newest version from [Apple's Website].). If this still does not fix your issue, the problem would be either with your hard drive, or operating system. Fixing an issue like that is beyond the scope of this article.


  1. http://support.verio.com/documents/view_article.cfm?doc_id=4069

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