Definitions and Descriptions

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Definitons are technical terms known only to those in your profession.


Descriptions are a way of explaing the steps in a process in a way that the reader understands how to do that process. This is often confused with an instruction which is a way of describing a sequence of steps in a process so that the reader can perform those steps.

Writing Good Descriptions

1. Know your audience. Knowing your audience when writing proper decriptions is key. You should ask yourself several questions before you start writing: (Textbook citation)

- Are you supposed to give just an overview, or are details needed?
- Do readers understand the technical subject, or are they laypersons?
- Do readers have mixed technical backgrounds?
- Does the process description supply supporting information, or is it the main part of the document?

Considering who you will be writing for will make sure you write something that is understandable for everyone. Remember when writing for an audience that is of mixed backgrounds that you should write for the members of the audience with the least amount of knowledge. In this way you will be sure that everyone that is to read your descriptions can understand them.

2. Follow the ABC format.

3. Use an objective point of view.

4. Choose the right amount of detail.


Common Mistakes

Writing Good Definitions


Common Mistakes