Java In-depth

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Wiki 1010 Table of Contents

Chapter #

We have made many Java programs up to this point. In this chapter, we will go look further into what happens after you have written the code for your program. Writing a Java program involves the following four steps:

  1. Thinking about how you will code the program.
  2. Writing the code for the program.
  3. Compiling the program.
  4. Running the program.

This chapter will focus on steps 3 and 4. What happens when you click on "Compile Java" in Textpad? How do the lines of code that you write become a program that you can run on your computer? We will demystify the process. Along the way, we'll talk about what makes Java different from other programming languages.

  Write a Program a Day Case Studies

Table of Contents


Java Virtual Machine

Review Questions and Exercises


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