Page Layout

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COMP3040 > Common Components


Here you will find information on how the different elements on a page should be organized. students

A page should be visually appealing to the reader. A technical writing document, unlike creative writing will rely more on headers, lists and graphics. Proper arrangement of graphics helps with the understanding of the document with out distracting the reader.

Use Whitespace!

Like in programming, the importance of whitespace cannot be ignored. Ever wonder why news papers have articles in columns? Blocks of text are ugly; no one wants to read a big wall of text. Correct usage of whitespace makes the document look cleaner. This results in a more enjoyable read for the user.

The different areas where whitespace can be used are:

  • Margins:

Margins are the white space between the edge of the paper and you text. The margin defines where a line of text begins and ends. It is natural to the human eye to have a margin around the text.

  • Columns:

Depending on your media type the information is presented on it can be more appealing to the reader if you use columns to separate the text.

  • Line space:
  • Justification:
  • Paragraphs:
  • Indenting:
  • Graphics:
  • Headings space:

Use section headings to split ideas up.

Readers need to know what is coming up next. A Good header has two main objectives. First the header will tell the user the main point of the proceeding text. Secondly the header should catch the readers’ attention.
Descriptive headings are essential. If you were reading a document and the heading title told you nothing about the preceding text, wouldn’t you wonder why the writer even used a header? A good heading shouldn’t be to long, but avoid using abstract nouns.
Text headings split ideas into different sections. Each section should have its own heading. If you are writing and have only one header, you should ask your self why? Each section that you are splitting up with you header should have its down header.
The size and font used for the headers emphasizes the importance of the content below the header. The headings should be organized in a hierarchy with the largest font used at the top.

Arranging Graphics and Figures

Graphics should be added in a way that will not distract the user, only add to the understanding of content. In the western world readers read from left to right, top to bottom. If you want a graphic looked at by a reading right away, put it at the top left.
Placement of a figure is significant to the understanding of the content. Try to arrange figures that are referenced close to the text that referenced it. As a student I’m positive you can relate to the annoyance of clipping pages back and fourth while reading.

Arranging Interesting Facts, or Definitions

While reading one of the many text books required at the university, I’m sure there have been times when the definition of a word was unclear. Including a brief definition of the term can be very useful. The definition can be included in side box. Arranging the definition like this will allow the reader to easily skip, or read the definition as needed.
This same idea applies to interesting facts that are not essential to the understanding of the content. Arranging these facts in this way allow readers who want more information to get it, if they want.

Arranging quotes

Adding quotes to your text is usually a very simple task; just place it directly into your paragraph. When using quotes that are longer then two lines it is more appealing to have the quote in a separate paragraph. The paragraph should be indented to show that it is not a new idea, but a quote.