Program A Day: Getting Started

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1260 Main Page

Chapter Introduction

Some of you have seen your first program this week. Good idea to try writing some programs yourself. Programming certainly gets easier with practice.

Taken from

Program Descriptions

Hello World!

You're joining a tradition! Most computer scientists begin their programming career by writing a short program that outputs the message "Hello World". Of course, you could customize your message.

TO DO: 1. Write a message that outputs a greeting in System.out. 2. Test your code. 3. Now revise your code so the message is also output in a dialog box (use JOptionPane) 4. Test your code. 5. Now add a String variable. 6. Use JOptionPane to get the user to input a name. 7. Revise your output to read "Hello [name]" where name is the value stored in the String variable.


A Madlib is a fun little game where a player is prompted to enter (input) a series of nouns, verbs, numbers, etc. Then the words are inserted in a story or poem, often with kind of funny results. For example, ask the user to enter...

To Do: Write a program that lets the user play a Madlib.


Hello World


Chapter 1: Application Software Table of Contents Chapter 3: Hardware