Dimensions of a Can of Soup

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Your best friend rummages through your cupboards and emerges with a can of clam chowder. Being slightly obsessive about measuring objects, your friend concludes that the radius of the can is 4 centimeters and the height is 12 centimeters. Your friend then poses some questions to you:

  1. What is the surface area of the can?
  2. What is the volume of the can?
  3. Can I eat this clam chowder?

Design a program that finds answers to these questions. Make sure to use constants for values that do not change. Round all answers to the nearest integer value.



Taken from http://www.flickr.com/photos/daniello/565304023/

An image or By Students section


An effective solution to this problem involves figuring out that there are a few constant values


Solution Code

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