ReverseArray Method

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Let's now expand on the printArray program with an additional twist. Recall you created a method to print the names of students stored in different arrays for different classes. You have now discovered that it would be useful to be able to print the names of the students in reverse order, and must add a method to the program to do this.

Take the sample solution from printArray below and add a reverseArray method to it. This method should accept an array of Strings as input and return a reversed version of this String array as output.

public class PrintArray{
	public static void main (String [] args){
		String [] comp1010 = { "Adam", "Bob", "Carl", "David", "Edward"};	//class list for comp 1010
		String [] comp1020 = { "Amy", "Beth", "Cindy", "Dawn", "Ellen"};	//class list for comp 1020
		String [] comp1260 = { "Mike", "Mary", "Matthew", "Megan", "Moe"};	//class list for comp 1260

		System.out.println("COMP 1010:");
		printArray(comp1010);				//note that since the method is void, you just use the name of the method
		System.out.println("COMP 1020:");		//followed by the name of the array in brackets
		System.out.println("COMP 1260:");

		System.out.println("--End of Processing--");

	public static void printArray(String [] courseList){	//note that the method is void, and the input variable is an array of Strings
								//We called the array "courseList", since this can refer to any of the arrays
								//we send it

		for (int i=0; i<courseList.length;i++){		//for loop to go through each element in the array
			System.out.println(courseList[i]);	//print the current element
		System.out.println();				//add a blank line after the list of students


Taken from

An image or By Students section


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