Introduction to Python

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Python programming language was created by Guido Van Rossumin in the 1980's. It is a general purpose, object-oriented, expandable and described programming language. Python has an artistic syntax that allows its users to read code easily as well as understand the code. It is used for creation of web applications. Further, it has an inbuilt development environment called IDLE and a large library that supports huge projects. In this lab, you will be taught how to program in this very exciting programming language called Python. The medium in which you will learn this program is through getting to actually practice on your own. Furthermore, in this lab, i will translate some of the programs you may have seen in “Program a day “ that are written in Java programming language. Hope you enjoy this lab. Ouuups! Least I forgot, you can get started by downloading python from

Getting Started


Primitive Data Types

Area Calculation

Convert Temperature

Wind Chill


Calculate days in a month

Grade Conversion

While and for loops

Convert a for loop to a while loop

Print Alphabets

Validate Input

