Robocode 1

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Introduction to Robocode 1
Event Driven Code
Robot API

In this lab you will learn and be able to play the exciting coding game called Robocode. Robocode is an event driven program that allows us to create, modify and test virtual robots in java.



-Notify Java (link to) -Download Robo (screen shots) -Run install -navigate to the folder of installion and run the .bat file

The Robot Console

-talk about all sections -new

Sample battle

- To see what the program actually does (sample.MyFirstRobot, sample.RamFire, sameple.Tracker) - screen shot of main menu

Create your first Robot

Making the Robot Move

Firing on Other Robots

Additional Methods

  - run(), onSeannedRobot() and onHitByBullet()

Compiling your Robot

Battle your Robot

- This is what you would have to show the TA, that your Robot can defeat a default one.