Calculate days in a month

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In this program, you will be taught how to use if, elseif and else conditional statements in Python.

if/else/elseif syntax in Python:

if (expression):


elif (expression):




As you may have noticed, Python uses elif in place of elseif in Java. Also, Python is a little picky about indentation; hence it is recommended that you use the if, elif and else syntax as shown above.


Write a Python program that displays the days in a month.

Step 1: Get input(s) needed to solve the problem.

You will need the following in order to solve this problem.

  • input - Used to get input from the user.
  • month - The month to be used for the computation

    Step 2: Write the program.

    #This program is used to disply th number of day in a month
    ## Get input from the user
    month = input("Please enter a month in number format (1-12):  ")
    #Display the appropriate number of days contained in the selected months
    #If the month is invalid, display appropriate message
    if(month == 1 or month == 3 or month == 5 or month == 7 or month == 8 or month == 8 or month == 10 or month == 12):
        print "This month has 31 days."
    elif( month == 4 or  month == 6 or month == 9 or month == 11 ):  #Months that have 30 days
        print "This month has 30 days."
    elif( month == 2 ):  #February has 28 days
        print "This month has 28 days."
    else:               #Not a valid month
        print "Invalid Month."