Helpful TextPad Options

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Textpad is a very basic text editor for Windows. It is much like Notepad but with a few more bells and whistles.

Main Environment

Menu Bar

The menu bar is located at the top of the window. It should contain the menu items: File, Edit, Search, View, Tools, Macros, Configure, Window and Help. There are quite a few helpful ?tools? that can be used. To see a description of each ?tool? you have to move your mouse over the tool name and look at the bottom-left of the textpad window for a description. It is a good idea to fiddle around with them and get a good understanding of what they all do.


The toolbar is located directly under the menu bar and it also contains buttons for commonly used tools. To customize which buttons appear: right click on the tool bar and select customize, click on the "Commands" tab, then select the category desired, and then click and drag the icon to the desired location on the toolbar.

Document Chooser

The document chooser displays all of the files that are currently open. To change which file you are looking at in the editing area simply click on the file's name. To close a file: right click on the file name and select "Close document(s)".

Clip Library

The clip library (located under the document chooser) is used as a easy way to insert strings of text into the document. Simply double click on the string of text desired and it will be inserted wherever the ?text cursor? is located. To change the current clip library that is being displayed, pick the one you want from the dropdown menu which is located at the top of the clip library window. You can download and add more clip library at:

Editing Area

The editing area is where all the text is entered. To view the line numbers: Select the menu item labeled "view" and then select "Line numbers".

Additional Helpful tips

Changing the Font for Java Documents

1.Select the menu-item "Configure, and then select "Preferences". 2.Click on the plus sign (+) beside "Document Classes". 3.Click on the plus sign (+) beside "Java". 4.Here you can change how Textpad displays files that end with .java

Handy Keyboard Shortcuts

Textpad has many helpful keyboard shortcuts. Here is a brief list of the most helpful commands: -Ctrl+M = Find the matching {} or (). -F5 = Search -Ctrl+F2 = Set/delete a bookmark on the current line (makes it easier to find later). -F2 = Go to next bookmark.

Where to Find More Keyboard Shortcuts

Click on the menu item Help and then select Help Topics. Click on the plus sign (+) that appears beside Referencing Information and then select "The Keyboard". Here is a complete list of all the keyboard shortcuts.