Wiki Background

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Wikis Explained

History of the COMP 1010 Wiki

The COMP 1010 Wiki began an idea from a computer science instructor, Penner. [1]'s idea was to replace the current 1010 textbook with a Wiki. As the instructor for the Technical Communications course, 3040 along with 1010, it made sense for her to lead her 3040 students on a new assignment.

What started out as a course assignment quickly became a serious project for many of the 3040 students. The students felt as though they were sharing their knowledge with those sharing the same goals for university. The Wiki also allowed third and fourth year students to change the 1010 course as they see fit. Former 1010 students could add content that they believed to be relevant to their start in computer science, or clarify subjects that they believed to be explained poorly. Eventually, the theme of the Wiki changed to "Written by Students, for Students". The origins of this new theme are unknown, but hopefully through the use of the Wiki medium the source will be able to take credit for it.

Currently, the 3040 student from the Fall 2007 term are continuing the work that began before them. The goal for this Wiki is to replace the 1010 textbook by the start of the 2008-2009 school year.


The following people have taken the time to contribute to the COMP 1010 Wiki.

COMP 3040 (Fall 2007) Students

David Wesst


1010 Homepage 3040 Homepage Penner University of Manitoba Homepage