Understanding the Internet

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Chapter Introduction

The Internet is a powerful network that connects users to information from all over the world. You are using the Internet right now by connecting to this Wiki. Although it is stored on the servers at the University of Manitoba, you are able to access it from any computer with an Internet connection.

The Internet is so large a network and so complicated that one inevitably has many questions to ask. Where did the Internet come from? Who manages it? How does someone make their own webpage? This chapter will provide you with the answers to these questions and many more.

Taken from http://www.flickr.com/photos/1pxphoto/3046263242/

Internet 101

How Does the Internet Work?

History of the Internet

Who Manages the Internet?

Connecting and Transfering Information


Domain Names, IP Addresses and URLs

Packet Switching



Technology Matters!

ISPs in Manitoba

File Transfer at the U of M

Setting up a web page

Who Pays for the Internet


Chapter 4: Computers and Networks Table of Contents Chapter 6: Using the Internet